Allergy or Sinusitis? How To Tell The Difference?

That tingly and itchy feeling that causes uncontrollable sneezing is a hassle for people with a sensitive nose. Imagine talking to someone who sneezes from time to time without warning. Disgusting right? Also, there’s the ugly factor that having a reddish nose brings. So what causes this? Is it sinusitis or allergy?

So how do you know which of these causes nose irritation? We’ll discuss the difference between them.

What Is an Allergy?

Allergy reaction

Allergy is a reaction of your immune system from a foreign substance otherwise called an allergen. Common substances that cause allergies are milk, pollen, dust, meats, nuts, etc. Some of the most common allergies that happen to people are skin allergies, food allergies, and allergic rhinitis.

Skin allergies usually happen whenever allergens contact the skin. They might also happen whenever the immune system produces antibodies that make the skin itchy inflamed or itchy. Common causes of skin allergy are dust, pollen, and cosmetics.

As the name implies, food allergies are caused by food such as milk, cheese, fish, shellfish, meats, and nuts. The symptoms of food allergies vary. Some make the person feel nausea, dizziness, itchiness, stomach cramps, diarrhea, and fever-like symptoms.

Allergic rhinitis is an allergic reaction that fine particles cause. People also know it by its other name – hay fever. Nevertheless, don’t get confused because dust from hay alone doesn’t cause allergic rhinitis. Sometimes. pollen, fine dust, soot, etc. also cause it.

It’s important to note that allergic rhinitis may cause sinusitis. It can inflame the nose lining which eventually develops into symptoms that makes you feel as if the nose is congested and painful.

What Is Sinusitis?


Sinusitis is a condition that’s characterized by the inflammation of the nose lining. A person suffering from sinusitis will experience difficulties inhaling and periodic pains at the forehead, eyes, cheeks, and nose. It often accompanies other complications such as fever and allergies.

Causes of Allergies and Sinusitis

Viral Infection

Viruses that cause common cough, cold, and fever inflict sinusitis. Influenza virus, rhinovirus, and parainfluenza virus are the most common causes. These can be contracted through droplets or airborne transmission.


Allergies cause sinusitis sometimes. Oftentimes, these are allergies that inflame the nose lining. Examples of allergies that cause sinusitis are hay fever, food allergy ( refined sugar, spicy foods, milk, tomatoes, and wine), and dust allergy.

Foods, Dust, and Insect Bites

Foods cause allergies the most. Common foods that trigger an allergy in adults are fish, nuts, shellfish, meats, and dairy products. Some foods that cause severe allergic reactions are shrimps, milk, cheese, and poultry.

Dust and other fine particles also cause allergies. Rashes, breathing problems, and itchiness are the most common symptoms. Sometimes, they can even trigger severe health conditions such as dermatitis and asthma.

This is rare but some people display severe allergic reactions to insect bites. The sting from wasps, bees, and ants might lead to difficulties in breathing, severe rash, and palpitation. There are even times when the reaction causes the person to lose consciousness otherwise known as anaphylactic shock.


Can Allergy Get Treated?

How do doctors determine what allergies you’re vulnerable to? Singapore allergy test is done in two ways – blood test and skin test. In a blood test, a doctor gets a blood sample from you and takes it to a laboratory for analysis. A blood test is useful if you’re suffering from food allergies.

On the other hand, a doctor does a skin test by putting an allergen on your skin. This is usually dust or pollen. He then observes for rashes, itchiness, and other signs of allergic reactions after doing so.

There’s no absolute cure for allergies to date. Persons suffering from allergies can opt to take medications that help to prevent severe symptoms from emerging. Some medical practitioners even advise patients to undergo immunotherapy. This is a method where the patient is exposed to different kinds of allergens one bit at a time so that the immune system gets used to them. For more information about immunotherapy, go to to learn more.

Still, prevention is better than cure. Therefore, avoidance is the perfect solution if you’re prone to allergic reactions. Try to cut down your intake of dairy products if you’re suffering from lactose intolerance. Stay away from dusty places if fine particles easily irritate you. Also, opt to clean your living space if your allergic to ants and other insects.

Can Sinusitis Get Treated?

The treatment for sinusitis varies depending on the medical condition that causes it. Before giving you treatment, a doctor usually examines the nose lining, asks which particular part of the face near the nose you’re feeling pain, and whether or not you have allergic reactions.

If the sinusitis is caused by flu, the doctor will advise you to take an anti-viral medication and rest for a few days. On the other hand, sinusitis caused by allergies is usually treated by taking decongestants and antihistamine.

If you have suffered from three sinus infections within a year, and antibiotics are unable to treat, then you may consider going for a sinus surgery.

What Happens if Sinusitis and Allergies Are Not Treated?

When left unaddressed, allergies can significantly affect your quality of life. This is why doctors advise parents to seek medical help as soon as their kids become allergic to something. Allergies may develop into anaphylaxis and might kill you. This is a condition that’s characterized by the swelling of the mouth, heart palpitation, and heavy breathing.

The same also goes for sinusitis. When left alone, the inflammation that it causes might severely damage the nose lining. This, in turn, results in an impaired sense of smell in rare cases. Consider visiting a clinic when the sinusitis doesn’t go away on its own after a few days or weeks.

Conclusion: How To Distinguish Allergy and Sinusitis?

Allergy is often caused by food, fine particles, and other allergens. Usually, it may inflict you with rashes, breathing problems, itchiness, nausea, dizziness, etc. On the other hand, sinusitis is a condition that occurs whenever allergic reactions inflame the nose lining. Also, viral infections might cause it.

Always remember to consult a doctor whenever the symptoms become unbearable. After all, treatment for sinusitis and allergy is not going to cost you a fortune and has immediate effects.

Understanding ENT Conditions & Sleep Disorders


Ear Nose Throat Conditions

In one’s lifetime, there is a possibility of dealing with symptoms that affects the ears, nose, and throat. In this happening, some people may exhibit symptoms that are obvious and others may not. Therefore, it becomes difficult for one to know what is happening with one’s ear, nose, and throat health hence calling the need to know the common ENT problems.

a. Ear infections

This is the most common ear disorder condition and it can be easily diagnosed and treated by ENT doctors. The condition is more common among the children however it does not mean that adults cannot develop the condition. Some people produce more ear wax than others and the earwax accumulation leads to the canal’s clogging. Sometimes, such excessive earwax accumulation can cause ear pain, result in ear infections, and other problems. You should seek medical advice rather than trying to remove the earwax yourselves.  

An ear doctor will examine the ear to check if you have a buildup of earwax. If the earwax blockage is causing you pain or hearing loss then he or she is most likely to remove the earwax using ear irrigation or micro-suction. Singapore earwax removal is common among seniors. 

Ear infection has some classic symptoms which include discharge, ear pain, reduced hearing, and an inflamed red ear. Upon experiencing ear pains, it is advisable to visit the best ENT clinic Singapore since failure to do so may lead to the infection may lead to critical long-term complications.

b. Sinusitis

It is also a common ENT condition that usually is brought about by germs in the hollow recesses of the skull which the eyes and nose. The main symptoms for this condition include nose pains, nasal discharge, headache, fever, fatigue and inflammation. According to top ENT specialist in Singapore, acute sinusitis is also referred to as a secondary common cold hence common during cold seasons.

Acute sinusitis often lasts for a day or two and usually can go away untreated. Chronic sinusitis, on the other hand, can be an inflammatory disorder which emanates from untreated allergies or even asthma. The condition can last even 12 weeks if left untreated. In case of the symptoms, one should consult a sinus treatment specialist to perform an endoscopy to see whether the nasal passage has a blockage. In serious cases, surgery may be necessary.

c. Strep Throat

It is a common ENT condition that occurs when the throat becomes infected by streptococci germ. In case one encounters symptoms such as red, sore throat, difficulty in swallowing, enlarged tonsils, fever, body aches, fatigue, skin rash and enlarged lymph nodes one should seek an actual strep test at the nearest doctor. The condition is treatable by a prescription of antibiotics whose main aim is to kill the cause of bacteria.

d. Sleep Apnea

It is the most serious ENT condition which makes someone stop breathing while sleeping. If you suspect that you may be suffering from sleep apnea, it is recommended to visit a sleep clinic in Singapore for a sleep apnea study. Patients who are suffering from sleep apnea, they will become extremely exhausted when first waking up making them struggle very much throughout the day. Among the most common symptoms of the condition includes waking up several times at night, mood swings, depressions, feeling tired upon waking up, drowsiness during the day, headaches during the morning, and waking up with a sore throat or dry throat.

Treatment usually includes a change of lifestyles such as loss of weight and more importantly use of breathing assistance devices at night. For more severe sleep apnea patients, surgery may be necessary.

Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorders are conditions that prevent a person from having a restful sleep and leads to dysfunction and sleepiness during the day. The conditions include:

a. Insomnia
It is simply difficulties in falling asleep or even staying asleep. The condition is characterized by symptoms such as difficulty falling asleep, waking up too early in the morning, often waking up during the night and experiencing trouble sleeping again, Unrefreshing sleep, experiencing daytime problems such as sleepiness, fatigue, loss of concentration, and others.

Insomnia is categorized on how long it lasts and the frequency of occurrence. About 50 percent of grown-ups experience Insomnia and also 1 out of 10 are infected with chronic insomnia. Insomnia can either be self-occurring or can be associated with psychiatric and medical conditions. The condition can be improved by the use of sleeping pills, improvement of sleep habits, behavior therapy, and treating the underlying causes of the condition.

b. Restless legs syndrome
The condition causes an irresistible urge to move one’s legs when sleeping, resting, sitting, or even long periods of driving. More symptoms include sleepless nights, irritability, and concentration. However, the condition can be minimized by simply moving around, self-care steps, and change of lifestyle. In case the symptoms persist, one should seek medical help.

c. Narcolepsy

This is a neurological disorder of sleep regulation affecting the control of sleep and also wakefulness. The symptoms of the conditions include uncontrollable episodes of falling asleep during the day. Also, patients may experience muscle weakness accompanied by emotions such as laughter. The condition usually starts between the age of 15 – 25. The condition can be eased by the use of prescribed stimulants, antidepressants plus any other medication which may be prescribed by a doctor.

Among all the ENT clinics in Singapore that provide excellent diagnosis and treatment for sleep disorders, Ear Nose Throat Head & Neck Surgery clinic in Mount Elizabeth is one of the best. 

Hand & Reconstructive Surgery Guide

What you need to know about Hand & Reconstructive Surgery

People use their hands a lot to perform various tasks. Hands can get injured by various things, overuse can cause everyday wear and tear. Acute hand injuries range from bruises to sprains, fractures and injury to muscles, tendons and ligaments.

Sometimes these injuries heal by themselves and other times they need to be treated by a medical professional who may apply medication, or apply casts or splints for fracture repair, physical therapy and in severe cases, surgery.

In the past, hand surgeons were known as the kind of medical practitioners that were more useful to athletes who used their hands in sports as well as people whose jobs put their hands under constant strain. This has changed over the years because of the technological advancements that have been made over the last couple of decades.

The biggest advancement in the surgical field has been in employing microsurgery and plastic surgery techniques to treat severe hand injuries that involve repairing nerve and various tissue injuries as well as conditions affecting the blood vessels and other conditions. Being a hand surgeon has become more than just about repairing fractures and torn ligaments but it has evolved into a field where reconstructive procedures can be done to correct deformities and even reattach severed parts of the hand.

What is Hand & Reconstructive Microsurgery?

Microsurgery is a surgical procedure performed on small structures that make up the hand like blood vessels and nerves using specialized instruments and high-powered microscopes. Microsurgery has been used since the beginning of the twentieth century. This type of surgery has enabled orthopedic doctors as well as plastic surgeons to reconstruct damaged nerves, tissue, muscle and skin. Microsurgical techniques have been used to transplant tissues, but a growing number of specialities can be brought together to reattach amputated parts and perform other medical procedures that could not be done using conventional surgery.

Hand surgery has become a specialized field on its own, incorporating other aspects like cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries. This has allowed for specialized treatments for diseases and traumas affecting the hands, wrists and arms that have an effect on hand functions.

Microsurgical techniques are also used to correct congenital abnormalities like extra digits, webbed fingers and overuse conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome and DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis. They are also used to correct bone and tissue deformities caused by tumors. A lot of elderly patients need hand surgery to correct Arthritis-related deformities as well deformities caused by diabetes.

The history of hand surgery as a specialized field

The term “Hand Specialist” might be a relatively new term. You can address a hand specialist as orthopedic surgeon, but the term orthopedic is too broad.  Today with the advancement of medicine and technology, orthopedic surgeons like Dr Looi Kok Poh can study and train in this specialized branch of medicine and apply methods to a variety of medical cases.

The qualifications of a hand specialist or hand surgeon

To become a Hand Specialist or Hand Surgeon requires completing a residency in general orthopedic surgery and plastic surgery.

One also has to pass a board exam and then complete an additional year of Hand Surgery Fellowship. By the time one qualifies and one would have learned all aspects of diagnosing, treating and performing surgical procedures for different conditions.

The number of hand surgeons in Singapore has been on the rise. This growth is encouraging not only for those people who are interested in taking it it as a field of study but for patience who may need specialized treatment and care. There is also a growing number of hand specialist centers that offer a wide range of services from treatment to surgery and rehabilitation.

Is Foot Orthotics Effective Treatment For Flat Feet & Plantar Fasciitis?

How Effective Are Orthotic Insoles For Treating Flat Feet & Heel Pain?

If one has got flat feet and finds very challenging to find any comfortable shoes, well, orthotics for flat feet can be of great use. One should always see the amount of cushioning it provides to avoid shocks, provides flexibility and stability. Pain in the lower back and joints would emerge if one doesn’t find the right foot orthotics. Wearing the right shoes, and likely over the counter orthotic inserts, can be particularly beneficial in eradicating the pain.

The best fit for the people having flat feet is the custom orthotic inserts. Since, all of this is done with exact matched measurements, so it could be considered the best insoles for flat feet. One can order different variants of the products just like for formal dressing one could opt for dress orthotic inserts as well as simple orthotics for the casual dressing. It might be a bit expensive than the standard foot orthotics but yields a better results at the end of the day.

Plantar fasciitis is a common cause of heel pain that occur at the bottom your foot due to the inflammation caused when one’s heal bone touches the toes. So, not taking care of this can convert it into a chronic pain and can affect your lifestyle badly.

In such a condition, foot orthotics is mandatory for the people suffering from plantar fasciitis.

They come in a great range in different shapes and sizes. Custom orthotic inserts are always more preferred due to their exact match fitting but they can really be costly. So, the best insoles for plantar fasciitis are custom tailored insoles, which match the exact requirement of the patient.

Is foot orthotics the best solution for people with flat feet?

It’s really important to keep in mind while choosing a foot orthotic, that it should be neither too bendy nor too inflexible. It must eradicate the shock absorption one faces with the flat feet. In this case, custom orthotics could be the best product one could opt.

If the insole doesn’t compress properly it could again result in joints pain and discomfort, when force is applied to the device. Similarly, if the device is too cushiony, it won’t have enough resistance to help relieve pain for people with flat feet.

The best insoles for flat feet could be the ones which are proper in size. The foot orthotics you order should be in complete size since it’s crucial for them to work only if they have the exact size irrespective of what brand manufacturers have mentioned. One thing you should keep in mind while getting through with this process is that the team which is going to make a foot orthotics for you should be highly quipped and skilled, since a little carefree attitude can affect the efficiency of the product.

Well, the modern researches have shown that it has helped the patients a lot in eradicating pain. A lot of patients have really expressed
their satisfaction over the product and shared their experiences, respectively. Since, the demand for orthotic insoles in Singapore is increasing day by day; a lot of companies have jumped in this industry and producing great innovation for creating best insoles for plantar fasciitis and flat feet. You call it a solution, or a remedy, it really works one way or another.

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